Transcription regulatory networks in Caenorhabditis elegans


Page 7 of 264, showing 20 records out of 5271 total, starting on record 121, ending on 140

Public Gene Name Sequence Name WB ID Description Module Actions
ubc-14 Y87G2A.9 WBGene00006709
ubc-14 encodes an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; by homology, UBC-14 is predicted to function in the covalent attachment of ubiquitin molecules to protein substrates, via its association with an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase; loss of ubc-14 activity via RNAi results in embryonic lethality at a stage after gastrulation but prior to muscle twitching, and in abnormal larval tail morphology.
uaf-1 Y92C3B.2 WBGene00006697
uaf-1 encodes the large subunit of U2AF, the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoparticle (snRNP) auxiliary factor and is a homolog of mammalian and fly U2AF65; UAF-1 has been shown to bind RNA and this binding is enhanced by UAF-2; the abundance of one alternative transcript appears to be increased during starvation and this transcript is retained in the nucleus; uaf-1 affects embryonic viability, based on RNAi analysis.
twk-8 ZC410.4 WBGene00006663
twk-8 encodes one of more than 40 TWK (two-P domain K+) potassium channels in C. elegans that contain two pore regions and four transmembrane domains; expressed in body-wall muscle.
twk-13 R04F11.4 WBGene00006668
twk-13 encodes one of 44 C. elegans TWK (two-P domain K+) potassium channel subunits that contain two pore-forming domains and four transmembrane domains; as loss of TWK-13 function via RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) does not result in any abnormalities, the precise role of TWK-13 in C. elegans development and/or behavior is not yet known; however, TWK-13 likely functions redundantly with other TWK channels; the TWK-13 expression pattern has not been determined.
ttx-1 Y113G7A.6 WBGene00006652
ttx-1 encodes a homeodomain protein that is a member of the OTD/OTX subclass of homeodomain transcription factors; ttx-1 is expressed at higher levels in the AFD thermosensory neurons as compared to the AWB olfactory neurons and is necessary and partly sufficient for specification of the AFD thermosensory neuron fate and thus for proper AFD-mediated thermosensory behavior and normal expression of genes such as gcy-8, nhr-38, ceh-14, tax-2, and dac-1; a TTX-1::GFP fusion protein is nuclear and expressed in the AFD neurons and the nine pharyngeal marginal cells.
ttr-1 K03H1.6 WBGene00010541
ttr-1 encodes a protein containing a predicted signal sequence followed by a transthyretin-like domain; although TTR-1 belongs to a family of apparently nematode-specific proteins whose function is not yet known, loss of ttr-1 function via RNAi can result in enhanced dauer formation and daf-16-dependent lifespan extension.
ttll-5 C55A6.2 WBGene00008331
ttll-5 encodes a putative tubulin polyglutamylase orthologous to human TTLL5; TTLL-5 is required for embryonic development and fertility; by orthology, TTLL-5 is expected to initiate glutamyl chains rather than elongating them, to prefer alpha-tubulin over beta-tubulin as a substrate, and to have non-tubulin substrates.
ttll-4 ZK1128.6 WBGene00014232
ttll-4 encodes, by alternative splicing, two isoforms of a putative tubulin polyglutamylase orthologous to human TTLL4; TTLL-4 has no obvious function in mass RNAi assays; by orthology, TTLL-4 is expected to initiate glutamyl chains rather than elongating them, to have broad substrate specificity, acting on both alpha- and beta-tubulin, and to have multiple non-tubulin substrates such as nucleosome assembly proteins (NAPs).
tsr-1 F53G2.6 WBGene00006647
tsr-1 encodes a homolog of human transportin-SR, a nuclear transport receptor, and affects embryonic viability.
trr-1 C47D12.1 WBGene00007028
trr-1 encodes proteins with similarity to the atypical protein kinases of the TRAAP subfamily of PIKK kinases that are found in multisubunit, chromatin-modifying histone acetyltransferase complexes; trr-1 functions as a negative regulator of let-60/Ras signaling and was initially identified in screens for synMuv genes that interact with lin-15A; trr-1 mutations were subsequently found to have weakly penetrant vulval defects on their own, as well as slow growth and sterile phenotypes; trr-1 is classified as a class C synMuv gene, as it interacts genetically with both class A and class B synMuv mutations; TRR-1 is a nuclear protein that is broadly expressed throughout development; in germ cell nuclei and cellularized oocytes, TRR-1 localizes to condensed chromosomes.
trpa-1 C29E6.2 WBGene00007801
trpa-1 encodes a transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channel orthologous to the vertebrate and Drosophila TRPA1 channels; in C. elegans, trpa-1 activity is required for specific mechanosensory behaviors such as nose-touch avoidance and touch-mediated foraging; when expressed in mammalian cells, TRPA-1 exhibits channel activity in response to mechanical stimulation; TRPA-1::GFP reporters are expressed in a number of different cell types including sensory neurons, muscle, and epithelial cells.
tre-3 W05E10.4 WBGene00006609
tre-3 encodes one of four putative trehalases in C. elegans of unknown function, as RNAi analysis has not produced an obvious phenotype; expressed throughout development.
tpi-1 Y17G7B.7 WBGene00006601
tpi-1 encodes a putative triosephosphate isomerase orthologous to human TPI1 (OMIM:190450, mutated in TPI deficiency) and Drosophila WASTED AWAY; loss of tpi-1 activity via RNAi results in increased resistance to exogenous oxidants and shortening of natural adult lifespan, both presumably due to alterations in the redox state of cells.
tph-1 ZK1290.2 WBGene00006600
tph-1 encodes tryptophan hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting first step in serotonin biosynthesis; in vivo, tph-1 activity is required for serotonin biosynthesis, and well-fed animals mutant for tph-1 exhibit changes in behavioral and metabolic processes similar to those caused by starvation: slower rates of egg laying and pharyngeal pumping, dauer larval arrest, increased fat storage, and an extended reproductive lifespan; genetic studies indicate that, in regulating feeding and metabolism, tph-1 interacts with the daf-7/TGF-beta and daf-2/insulin-like signaling pathways; a TPH-1::GFP reporter is expressed in the serotonergic neurons: NSM, ADF, HSN (hermaphrodite-specific), CP (male-specific), and also rarely in the AIM and RIH neurons.
tpa-1 B0545.1 WBGene00006599
tpa-1 encodes two protein kinase C isoforms, TPA-1A and TPA-1B; analysis of tpa-1 mutations indicates that at least one TPA-1 isoform plays a role in nicotine-induced adaptation and that both isoforms appear to play a role in gpa-12/G protein-mediated signaling that modulates feeding and growth.
tni-3 T20B3.2 WBGene00006585
tni-3 encodes one of the four elegans troponin I genes; tni-3 is required for coordinated movement, normal body and muscle morphology and for the proper contractions of the vulva and anus; CeTNI-3 interacts with both the body wall and pharynx troponin C; tni-3 is strongly expressed in body wall, head and vulval muscles.
tir-1 F13B10.1 WBGene00006575
tir-1 encodes a protein that may be involved in apoptosis: from N- to C-terminus, it has three domains; the first two are sterile alpha motif (SAM) domains; the last is a Toll-interleukin 1 (IL1) receptor (TIR) domain.
F23D12.2 F23D12.2 WBGene00009086
This gene encodes a protein containing an F-box, a motif predicted to mediate protein-protein interactions either with homologs of yeast Skp-1p or with other proteins; this gene's encoded protein also contains an FTH/DUF38 motif, which may also mediate protein-protein interaction.
fbxa-107 Y37H2A.4 WBGene00012564
This gene encodes a protein containing an F-box, a motif predicted to mediate protein-protein interactions either with homologs of yeast Skp-1p or with other proteins; this gene's encoded protein also contains an FTH/DUF38 motif, which may also mediate protein-protein interaction.
fbxa-156 C06H5.1 WBGene00007392
This gene encodes a protein containing an F-box, a motif predicted to mediate protein-protein interactions either with homologs of yeast Skp-1p or with other proteins; this gene's encoded protein also contains an FTH/DUF38 motif, which may also mediate protein-protein interaction.
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