Transcription regulatory networks in Caenorhabditis elegans


Page 6 of 264, showing 20 records out of 5271 total, starting on record 101, ending on 120

Public Gene Name Sequence Name WB ID Description Module Actions
cdd-2 F49E8.4 WBGene00000392
A functional cytidine deaminase that affects morphology of embryos; it is expressed at all life cycle stages.
cdh-5 F08B4.2 WBGene00000397
a homolog of cadherin.
cdh-7 R05H10.6 WBGene00000399
cdh-7 encodes a protein that contains a cadherin domain.
cdk-7 Y39G10AL.3 WBGene00000408
The cdk-7 gene encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase orthologous to human CDK7 (OMIM:601955) that is a component of the general transcription factor IIH (TFIIH) complex; CDK-7 is required during embryogenesis for mRNA transcription and phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II on serine 2 and serine 5, as well as for cell cycle progression, maintenance of ploidy, and completion of meiosis following fertilization.
cdk-8 F39H11.3 WBGene00000409
cdk-8 encodes a member of the cyclin-dependent serine/threonine protein kinase family orthologous to human CDK8 (OMIM:603184) which functions in transcriptional regulation with the positive regulatory factor cyclin C, is associated with the RNA polymerase II holoenzyme, and may regulate gene-specific activators; CDK-8 also contains a glutamine/asparagine-rich domain; loss of cdk-8 function via RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) results in sterility in the injected hermaphrodite, suggesting that in C. elegans, CDK-8 may play a role in germ-line development.
cdk-9 H25P06.2 WBGene00000410
cdk-9 encodes an ortholog of the metazoan transcription elongation factor kinase CDK-9; it is required for general expression of early embryonic genes, and thought (in conjunction with partners such as cyclin T) to form a transcription factor (P-TEFb) that which prevents transcription from stalling in vitro.
cdr-1 F35E8.11 WBGene00000412
cdr-1 encodes a member of the cadmium-inducible lysosomal family that affects susceptibility to cadmium toxicity; expressed in intestinal cells.
cec-1 ZK1236.2 WBGene00000414
cec-1 encodes a nuclear protein with a chromodomain that is ubiquitously expressed in somatic cells, but is dispensable for embryonic survival or gross adult morphology.
ced-9 T07C4.8 WBGene00000423
ced-9 encodes the sole C. elegans homolog of the mammalian cell-death inhibitor Bcl-2; during development, CED-9 activity is essential for preventing cells from undergoing programmed cell death and CED-9 functions by binding and repressing the activity of CED-4, a protein similar to human APAF-1 that positively regulates CED-3 caspase activity; CED-9 localizes to mitochondria.
ced-10 C09G12.8 WBGene00000424
ced-10 encodes a GTPase orthologous to human RAC1 (OMIM:602048) that is required for phagocytosis during programmed cell death and for migration of the distal tip cells of the somatic gonad; CED-10 functions in the engulfing cell during apoptosis, and is activated by a complex of CED-2(CrkII) and CED-5(DOCK180) to promote formation of the polarized cell extensions associated with cell corpse engulfment.
ced-12 Y106G6E.5 WBGene00000426
ced-12 is required both for phagocytotic engulfment of dying (apoptotic) cells, and for normal migrations of healthy cells during development.
ceh-2 C27A12.5 WBGene00000429
ceh-2 encodes a homeodomain protein homologous to Drosophila empty spiracles (EMS) and the vertebrate EMX1 and EMX2 proteins (OMIM:600034, 600035); although the exact biological role of CEH-2 in C. elegans development and/or behavior is not yet known, expression in pharyngeal neurons and muscle, as well as vulval cells (vulB1, vulB2, and vulC) at late stages of development suggests that CEH-2 may play a role in terminal differentiation events in diverse cell types.
ceh-8 ZK265.4 WBGene00000433
ceh-8 encodes a paired-like homeodomain protein of the Q50 class orthologous to the Rx homeobox protein of humans (RAX; OMIM:601881) and Drosophila (CG10052-PA); CEH-8 and RX belong to one of at least 18 distinct families of paired-like homeodomain proteins, including 12 families in the Q50 class.
ceh-10 W03A3.1 WBGene00000435
ceh-10 encodes a member of the Paired-like class of homeodomain proteins; the CEH-10 homeodomain is closely related to the homeodomains of two vertebrate retina proteins (Chx10 from mice and Vsx-1 from goldfish); ceh-10 is required for CAN cell fate specification and migration, complete loss of ceh-10 function results in failure of CAN cell migration and loss of expression of CEH-23 and CEH-10 itself in the CAN and AIY interneurons; CEH-10, along with TTX-3 and CEH-23, constitutes a regulatory cascade of transcription factors that controls all sub-type specific features of the AIY interneurons.
ceh-13 R13A5.5 WBGene00000437
a homolog of Hox genes of labial/Hox1 type; affects viability, body shape and anterior patterning during embryogenesis, interacts genetically with hox genes; and is expressed in A, D, E and MS lineages in the early embryo, and in the anterior dorsal hypodermal cells, anterior body wall muscle cells, and in the cells of the prospective ventral nerve cord at the comma stage; and in the ventral nerve cord and and ventral and dorsal hypodermal cells in L1 larvae.
ceh-14 F46C8.5 WBGene00000438
ceh-14 encodes a LIM homeodomain protein orthologous to Drosophila Lim3 and the vertebrate Lhx3 and Lhx4 proteins; ceh-14 is required for specification of the AFD thermosensory neurons and for normal thermotactic behavior; a ceh-14::GFP reporter fusion is expressed in head and tail neurons, including the AFD thermosensory neurons, during late embryonic, larval, and adult stages. Animals triply mutant for the LIM homeobox genes ceh-14, lin-11, and ttx-3 which are required for function of the AFD, AIZ, and AIY neurons, respectively, exhibit a basic cryophilic thermotaxis response suggesting that, in C. elegans, there is more than one pathway for integration of thermosensory input.
ceh-18 ZC64.3 WBGene00000441
ceh-18 encodes a POU-class homeodomain transcription factor; CEH-18 is required in hermaphrodites for specific aspects of gonadal sheath cell differentiation, such as normal cell shape and position, that are essential for negative regulation of oocyte meiotic maturation by the sheath cells; in this process, CEH-18 functions in parallel with the VAB-1/Ephrin receptor as part of a sperm-sensing checkpoint mechanism that prevents oocyte maturation, MAPK activation, and ovulation in the absence of sperm; CEH-18 is expressed in the sheath cell nuclei beginning at the L4 larval stage
ceh-20 F31E3.1 WBGene00000443
ceh-20 encodes the C. elegans ortholog of the homeodomain co-factor Extradenticle (Exd/Pbx); together with ceh-40 and unc-62, ceh-20 activity is required for embryonic viability; ceh-20 is also required as a cofactor for LIN-39- and MAB-5- dependent postembryonic mesoderm patterning; in addition, ceh-20 is required for regulating post-embryonic migrations of the Q neuroblast descendants and for regulating vulval development; a CEH-20::GFP fusion protein is expressed in embryos and postembryonically in many cell types including the Q, P, and V cells and their descendants; CEH-20 localizes to the nucleus.
ceh-21 T26C11.6 WBGene00000444
ceh-21 encodes a a ONECUT class CUT homeobox protein with a single N-terminal cut domain and an OCAM domain; the cut domain may be a compact DNA-binding domain composed of alpha helices; the OCAM domain is a nematode-specific motif conserved between CEH-21, CEH-41, and T02B5.2; ceh-21 is one of three nematode-specific ONECUT genes in a cluster with ceh-39 and ceh-41; CEH-21 may be required for muscle formation and differentiation, and is expressed in muscle precursor cells and differentiated gut cells; ceh-21 has no obvious function in mass RNAi assays.
ceh-22 F29F11.5 WBGene00000445
The ceh-22 gene encodes a NK-2 family homeodomain factor homologous to Drosophila TINMAN and vertebrate Nkx2-5 proteins.
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