Transcription regulatory networks in Caenorhabditis elegans


Page 8 of 264, showing 20 records out of 5271 total, starting on record 141, ending on 160

Public Gene Name Sequence Name WB ID Description Module Actions
che-11 C27A7.4 WBGene00000490
che-11 encodes a large, unfamiliar protein with orthologs in vertebrates and arthropods (e.g., KIAA0590 and CG11838-PA) and in Chlamydomonas (IFT140), as well as distant similarity to OSM-1 and ZK520.1; che-11 is required for normal synthesis of sensory cilia (via intraflagellar transport) in sensory neurons, osmotic avoidance, and dauer formation.
che-12 B0024.8 WBGene00000491
che-12 encodes a conserved protein that contains at least seven predicted HEAT repeats; CHE-12 activity is required continuously in sensory neurons for formation of distal ciliary segments and thus, for normal sensory cilium morphology and function and chemotaxis to a subset of attractants, including sodium chloride; a che-12::gfp promoter fusion is expressed in the two phasmid neurons and the subset of amphid neurons that contain relatively simple cilia; a CHE-12::GFP protein localizes to cilia in a manner suggesting that it requires intraflagellar transport for proper localization, but is unlikely to be a core IFT particle component; che-12 expression in ciliated neurons is dependent upon the presence of the DAF-19 RFX transcription factor.
chs-1 T25G3.2 WBGene00000496
chs-1 encodes a chitin synthase, paralogous to CHS-2; chs-1 is required for embryonic chitin synthesis, eggshell synthesis and osmotic integrity, error-free chromosomal segregation during meiosis, polar body extrusion, association of the sperm pronucleus/centrosome complex (SPCC) with the early embryonic cortex, localization of PAR-2 in early embryos, posterior localization of P granules or PIE-1, and pseudocleavage; CHS-1 is also, independently of chitin synthesis, required for normal localization of MBK-2 to cortex and punctae in early embryos; CHS-1 is dispensable for synthesis of pharyngeal cuticle, since chs-1(ok1120) mutants have it normally; CHS-1 is predicted to be in the plasma membrane rather than the Golgi apparatus.
cht-1 C04F6.3 WBGene00000503
cht-1 encodes a chitinase orthologous to human chitinase-1 (OMIM:600031, mutations are associated with chitotriosidase deficiency); CHT-1 is predicted to function as an extracellular O-glycosyl hydrolase that hydrolyzes the glycosidic bond between two or more carbohydrates; in C. elegans, CHT-1 may play a role in embryogenesis, and may also be required for cuticle degradation during molting and degradation of chitin-containing pathogens as part of a host defense mechanism.
cka-2 C52B9.1 WBGene00000510
cka-2 encodes an isoform of choline kinase whose activity has been verified in vitro; CKA-1 and CKA-2 comprise a related group ('A') of choline kinases; purified CKA-2 is dimeric, requires 1 mM Mg(2+) for optimal activity, and has a strong preference for choline over ethanolamine; CKA-2 has a pH optimum of 10 and a k(cat) of 74/s, close to the maximum rate observed for yeast and rat enzymes.
ckb-2 B0285.9 WBGene00000512
ckb-2 encodes an isoform of choline kinase whose activity has been verified in vitro; CKB-1 through CKB-4 comprise a related group ('B') of choline kinases; purified CKB-2 has a strong preference for choline over ethanolamine, a specific activity of 2.4 micromol/min/mg protein and a pH optimum near 10.
cki-2 T05A6.2 WBGene00000517
cki-2 encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor of the CIP/KIP family, orthologous to human CDKN1C (OMIM:600856, which when mutated leads to Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome) that may play a role in cell cycle progression during embryogenesis; CKI-2 interacts with PCN-1, a proliferating cell nuclear antigen homolog, SMO-1, a SUMO (ubiquitin related) homolog, and the RING domain-containing protein C06A5.9.
clc-1 C09F12.1 WBGene00000522
clc-1 encodes a claudin homolog, closely similar to CLC-2, that is required for normal cohesion of apical junctions in epithelia; claudins are integral membrane proteins with four transmembrane sequences that are found in mammalian tight junctions (TJs), induce TJs when transgenically expressed in cells normally lacking them, and can mediate the specific conductance of of specific ions (e.g., magnesium or calcium) through TJs while blocking the flow of water; CLC-1 maintains the impermeability ('barrier function') of epithelia, since clc-1(RNAi) animals have abnormal permeability of the pharynx to dyes; clc-1 is expressed in spermatheca, pharynx, intestine, hypodermis, the excretory-secretory system, and the cell-cell junctions of the vulva; in pharyngeal cells, CLC-1 colocalizes with AJM-1 in long thin lines, parallel to the pharyngeal axis and lining the lumenal surface, that appear to correspond with apical intercellular junctions.
clc-2 C01C10.1 WBGene00000523
clc-2 encodes a claudin homolog, closely similar to CLC-1, that is required for normal cohesion of apical junctions in epithelia; claudins are integral membrane proteins with four transmembrane sequences that are found in mammalian tight junctions (TJs), induce TJs when transgenically expressed in cells normally lacking them, and can mediate the specific conductance of of specific ions (e.g., magnesium or calcium) through TJs while blocking the flow of water; CLC-2 maintains the impermeability ('barrier function') of epithelia, since clc-1(RNAi) animals have abnormal permeability of the hypodermis to dyes; clc-2 is expressed in hypodermal seam cells, with two diffuse lines of CLC-2 protein.
clh-1 T27D12.2 WBGene00000528
clh-1 encodes two CLC-type chloride channels via alternative splicing, homologous to human CLC1 (OMIM:118425) and CLC2 (OMIM:600570); CLH-1a and CLH-1b are required for maintenance of normal body shape; null mutations of clh-1 cause abnormal alae and a wider body than normal, with the body phenotype being reversible by culture medium of high osmolarity.
clh-4 T06F4.2 WBGene00000531
A homolog of a mammalian CIC-type chloride channel that is uniquely expressed in adult worms.
cpi-2 R01B10.1 WBGene00000534
cpi-2 encodes a protein that contains a cystatin-like domain.
cpi-1 K08B4.6 WBGene00000535
cpi-1 encodes a homolog of cysteine protease inhibitors (cystatins); cpi-1 is at least superficially dispensable for viability and gross morphology.
clk-1 ZC395.2 WBGene00000536
clk-1 encodes the C. elegans ortholog of COQ7/CAT5, a highly conserved demethoxyubiquinone (DMQ) hydroxylase that is necessary for the biosynthesis of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q, Q9) from 5-demethoxyubiquinone (DMQ9); in C. elegans, CLK-1 activity is required for normal physiological rates of growth, development, behavior, and aging, as well as for normal brood sizes.
clp-1 C06G4.2 WBGene00000542
clp-1 encodes a calpain homolog that has significant identity to mammalian calpains over its whole length and that contains motifs typical of calpains, including a thiol (cysteine) protease active site and a Ca[2+]-binding domain; CLP-1 is required, in parallel with TRA-3 but in series with ASP-3 and ASP-3, for degenerative (necrotic-like) cell death in neurons induced by mutations such as mec-4(d), deg-3(d), or gsa-1(gf).
clp-6 Y77E11A.10 WBGene00000546
clp-6 encodes a calpain homolog that has significant identity to mammalian calpains over its whole length and that contains motifs typical of calpains, including a thiol (cysteine) protease active site and a Ca[2+]-binding domain; CLP-6 is not required for degenerative (necrotic-like) cell death in neurons induced by mutations such as mec-4(d), deg-3(d), or gsa-1(gf), since clp-6(RNAi) has no effect on such degeneration.
clp-7 Y77E11A.11 WBGene00000547
clp-7 encodes a member of the calpain family of cysteine proteases.
clr-1 F56D1.4 WBGene00000548
A receptor tyrosine phosphatase that negatively regulates the FGF receptorsignaling pathway; it localizes to the plasma membrane.
clx-1 C50F7.2 WBGene00000551
clx-1 encodes a protein that contains 23 copies of a 15 amino acid repeat, possibly derived from a collagen triplet; there is no transcript evidence for this locus.
col-8 F11H8.3 WBGene00000597
col-8 encodes a collagen, individually dispensable for viability and gross morphology, which is specifically expressed in dauers and adults but not in eggs or L4 larvae, like col-7, col-18, and col-19; the amino- and carboxyl-terminal cysteine-rich regions of COL-8 are most closely related to those of COL-19, COL-35, and COL-39.
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