Transcription regulatory networks in Caenorhabditis elegans


Page 12 of 264, showing 20 records out of 5271 total, starting on record 221, ending on 240

Public Gene Name Sequence Name WB ID Description Module Actions
cut-6 M142.2 WBGene00000853 lemone_127_gene
cwn-1 K10B4.6 WBGene00000857
cwn-1 encodes one of five C. elegans Wnt signaling ligands; although the precise developmental role of cwn-1 is not yet known, during embryogenesis cwn-1 likely functions as a downstream target of the PAL-1 homeodomain protein in the regulatory network that specifies cell fates in the C lineage that gives rise to ectodermal and muscle tissue; consistent with this role, loss of cwn-1 activity via RNAi results in rare larval tail defects that may result, in part, from abnormal morphogenesis of C lineage descendants; a cwn-1 reporter is expressed in C and D muscle cells, as well as in two posterior C ectodermal cells; cwn-1 mRNA is detectable at all developmental stages, with highest levels of expression seen in embryonic stages.
cyb-3 T06E6.2 WBGene00000868
cyb-3 encodes a member of the cyclin B family that is required for embryonic viability, and may be involved with sister chromatid segregation.
cyc-1 C54G4.8 WBGene00000869
cyc-1 encodes a component of complex III ( cytochrome c reductase) required for normal ATP production; reduction of ATP production by cyc-1(RNAi) decreases growth rate and body size, slows behavior, and increases lifespan; cyc-1 encodes a protein predicted by Eisenberg and coworkers, with 52% accuracy, to be mitochondrial
cyd-1 Y38F1A.5 WBGene00000870
cyd-1 encodes a cyclin D homolog that is required for escape from G1 cycle arrest in postembryonic blast cells, affects movement and larval viability, and may physically interact with CDK-46 and CKI-1; expressed embryonically primarily in the head, ventral cord, tail, and is later expressed primarily in the seam cells and in the somatic gonad.
cyk-3 ZK328.1 WBGene00000874
cyk-3 encodes a functional ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase required for embryonic viability and for cellular osmotic regulation; osmotic regulation defects in mutants contribute at least partially to cytokinesis defects in mutant embryos.
cyl-1 C52E4.6 WBGene00000876 lemone_83_gene
cyn-2 ZK520.5 WBGene00000878
cyn-2 is a predicted member of the cytosolic Cyclosporin A-binding cyclophilin family that is functional when expressed in E. coli.
cyn-4 F59E10.2 WBGene00000880
cyn-4 encodes a divergent member of the cyclophilin family orthologous to human hCyP-60; in the hermaphrodite germline, cyn-4 activity is required for the sperm/oocyte switch, robust germline proliferation and, redundantly with gld-3, for the mitosis/meiosis decision; in addition, maternal cyn-4 is required for embryogenesis and loss of cyn-4 via RNAi results in morphological defects at early larval stages; in vitro, CYN-4 interacts with the MEP-1 NuRD complex component, as do the MOG-1, -4, and -5 proteins; CYN-4's interaction with MEP-1 is independent of the CYN-4 CBD (central binding domain) which is also dispensable for CYN-4's role in the sperm/oocyte switch; CYN-4 is expressed in the nuclei of both germline and somatic cells; in L4 larvae, CYN-4 is ubiquitously expressed in the mitotic and meiotic regions, but absent from the proximal zone.
cyn-5 F31C3.1 WBGene00000881
cyn-5 encodes a cyclophilin that is functional in vitro and is predicted to be a secreted protein that is structurally most similar to human cyclophilin B; expressed in the intestine.
cyn-6 F42G9.2 WBGene00000882
cyn-6 encodes a cyclophilin most similar to human secreted cyclophilin type B isoforms that is functional when expressed in E. coli; it is expressed in the intestine.
cyn-7 Y75B12B.2 WBGene00000883
cyn-7 encodes a cyclophilin A isoform; while not tested for peptidyl-prolyl isomerase activity in vitro, it is very similar to CYN-3 and closely resembles the prototypical CypA, and is therefore likely to be a member of the cytosolic CsA-binding cyclophilin subfamily; CYN-7 was required for embryonic viability in one set of mass RNAi assays.
cyn-9 T27D1.1 WBGene00000885
cyn-9 encodes a peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase most similar to human cyclophilin G (OMIM:606093); CYN-9 likely functions as a catalyst in the folding and modification of cuticle collagens; a cyn-9::lacZ reporter is expressed in the syncytial hypodermis from early larval through adult stages; cyn-9 mRNA is expressed most strongly at the mid-L3 and mid-L4 larval stages, the intermoult period when collagens are synthesized.
cyn-13 Y116A8C.34 WBGene00000889
cyn-13 encodes a predicted cyclophilin that can function as a nuclease in vitro; functions to regulate DNA degradation and cell death in a genetic pathway with wah-1, cps-6, crn-1, crn-4, crn-5 and these proteins are believed to form a complex in vivo.
sig-7 F39H2.2 WBGene00000890
sig-7 encodes a predicted cyclophilin; loss of sig-7 activity via large-scale RNAi screens results in embryonic and larval lethality as well as reduced brood sizes, suggesting that SIG-7 plays an essential role during C. elegans development.
cyn-15 Y87G2A.6 WBGene00000891
cyn-15 encodes a little-characterized cyclophilin homolog.
cyn-16 Y17G7B.9 WBGene00000892
cyn-16 encodes a highly diverged member of the cyclophilin family; CYN-16 exhibits low levels of peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity in vitro that is insensitive to the presence of cyclosporin A; a cyn-16::gfp fusion protein is expressed in the intestine during larval and adult stages of development, with particularly strong expression seen in the anterior and posterior ends; in dauer larvae, the cyn-16::gfp reporter is expressed in cell bodies and processes of ventral cord neurons and is no longer visible in the intestine.
dac-1 B0412.1 WBGene00000895
dac-1 encodes the C. elegans ortholog of Dachshund, a transcriptional regulator first described in Drosophila that is a member of the SKI/SNO/DAC family of proteins; dac-1 is expressed at higher levels in the AFD thermosensory neurons as compared to the AWB olfactory neurons and likely plays a role in thermosensory behavior as on thermal gradients dac-1 mutants fail to suppress cryophilic drive but continue to track isotherms at the cultivation temperature; a DAC-1::GFP fusion protein is nuclear and expressed strongly in the AFD thermosensory neurons, but weakly in the AWC, ASE, and ASK chemosensory neurons; expression is also seen in alae and additional, unidentified tail cells; dac-1 expression in AFD is positively regulated by the TTX-1 OTX-like homeodomain protein.
daf-2 Y55D5A.5 WBGene00000898
daf-2 encodes a predicted receptor tyrosine kinase that is the C. elegans insulin/IGF receptor ortholog; DAF-2 activity is required for a number of processes in C. elegans, including embryonic and larval development, formation of the developmentally arrested dauer larval stage, adult longevity, reproduction, fat storage, salt chemotaxis learning, and response to exogenous stressors such as high temperature or bacterial infection; DAF-2 signals through a conserved PI 3-kinase pathway to negatively regulate the activity of DAF-16, a Forkhead-related transcription factor, by inducing its phosphorylation and nuclear exclusion; in addition, DAF-2 negatively regulates the nuclear localization, and hence transcriptional activity, of SKN-1 in intestinal nuclei; amongst the 38 predicted insulin-like molecules in C. elegans, genetic and microarray analyses suggest that at least DAF-28, INS-1, and INS-7 are likely DAF-2 ligands; genetic mosaic and tissue-specific promoter studies indicate that daf-2 can function cell nonautonomously and within multiple cell types to influence dauer formation and adult lifespan, likely by regulating the production of secondary endocrine signals that coordinate growth and longevity throughout the animal.
daf-7 B0412.2 WBGene00000903
daf-7 encodes a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily that affects dauer larvae formation in a TGF-beta-mediated pathway and also affects egg laying; expressed in the ASI neurons.
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