Gene families associated with a MapMan term

All gene family content is shown and individual cells refer to the target genes (per species).
MapMan term

Description MapMan term

.Cytoskeleton organisation.microtubular network.microtubule dynamics.microtubule (MT) plus-end-tracking.MT plus-end-tracking protein (SPR1)

#associated genes


#associated gene families


Click table-header(s) to enable sorting
Gene family #genes (in total) #associated genes
HOM04D001164 253 249
HOM04D000194 1030 4
HOM04D020418 3 3
HOM04D004238 83 2
HOM04D000018 3714 1
HOM04D000112 1485 1
HOM04D000816 338 1
HOM04D006497 62 1
HOM04D013458 6 1
HOM04D068801 1 1
HOM04D106702 1 1
HOM04D132943 1 1
#genes (in total)

This is the number of genes in the entire gene family.

#associated genes

This is the number of genes that are part of the gene family, and also have the specified MapMan term. Naturaly, this number should be a subset of "#genes (in total)".


Gene family
#genes (in total)
#associated genes