Ostreococcus lucimarinus
Otreococcus lucimarinus is one of three strains of Ostreococcus that are sequenced (next to O.tauri and a low-light/deep-sea strain). Ostreococcus lucimarinus is adpated to high light intensities and corresponds to surface-isolated strains, typically from open oceans. This striking feature of these organisms is their incredible small size and compact cellular organisation with a single chloroplast and a single mitochondrion
Info and Links
Source | JGI 2.0 |
PLAZA identifier | olu |
NCBI link | Ostreococcus lucimarinus |
Mitochondrion | Not available |
Chloroplast | Not available |
Page 1 of 391, showing 20 records out of 7805 total, starting on record 1, ending on 20
Gene | Transcript | Start | Stop | Strand | Chr | Type |
OL01G00010 | OL01G00010.1 | 939 | 3671 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00020 | OL01G00020.1 | 3933 | 6299 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00030 | OL01G00030.1 | 7108 | 8961 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00040 | OL01G00040.1 | 9840 | 11480 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00050 | OL01G00050.1 | 11545 | 12501 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00060 | OL01G00060.1 | 12683 | 13768 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00070 | OL01G00070.1 | 13805 | 15325 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00080 | OL01G00080.1 | 16040 | 16264 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00090 | OL01G00090.1 | 16326 | 17528 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00100 | OL01G00100.1 | 18192 | 18755 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00110 | OL01G00110.1 | 19866 | 20936 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00120 | OL01G00120.1 | 21600 | 23249 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00130 | OL01G00130.1 | 23436 | 26372 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00140 | OL01G00140.1 | 29422 | 30105 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00150 | OL01G00150.1 | 30626 | 32077 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00160 | OL01G00160.1 | 32236 | 33573 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00170 | OL01G00170.1 | 34007 | 34693 | + | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00180 | OL01G00180.1 | 34943 | 36166 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00190 | OL01G00190.1 | 36258 | 38411 | - | Chr_1 | coding |
OL01G00200 | OL01G00200.1 | 39226 | 39795 | + | Chr_1 | coding |