Available via Slideshare Integrative inference of transcriptional networks in Arabidopsis yields novel ROS signalling regulators (Artificial intelligence in plant science and breeding, Utrecht, NL, 24 February 2021) TF2Network: unravelling gene regulatory networks and transcription factor functions in Arabidopsis thaliana (#GRCPMB2018 Holderness, NH, 14 June 2018) Comparative genomics to the rescue: How complete is your plant genome sequence? (Amsterdam, March 2017) A functional and evolutionary perspective on transcription factor binding in Arabidopsis thaliana (Potsdam, October 2014) PLAZA 3.0 - an access point for plant comparative genomics. (Luxembourg, 8 December 2014) Inferring gene functions and regulatory interactions in plants using different flavors of comparative genomics. (Vienna, 18 February 2014) Detection of genomic homology in eukaryotic genomes (Strasbourg, 16 October 2012) The Complexity of Plant Genomes The Future of Plant Genomes. Harvesting Genes for Agriculture (Barcelona, 9-11 October 2012) Dissecting plant genomes with the PLAZA 2.5 comparative genomics platform PLANT GENOMES & BIOTECHNOLOGY: FROM GENES TO NETWORKS (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York USA, 30 November-3 December 2011)