Comparative Network Biology - Vandepoele lab
Keywords: gene regulation, gene function, networks, data integration, systems biology, comparative genomics
- Recent publications:
- Transcription factors KAN1, MYB44, and PIF4 regulate lincRNAs expressed in Arabidopsis roots. Li et al. (2023) Plant Physiology
- MINI-EX: Integrative inference of single-cell gene regulatory networks in plants. Ferrari et al. (2022) Molecular Plant
- Charting plant gene functions in the multi-omics and single-cell era. Depuydt et al (2022) Trends in Plant Science
- Identification of growth regulators using cross-species network analysis in plants. Curci et al. (2022) Plant Physiology
- Integrative inference of transcriptional networks in Arabidopsis yields novel ROS signalling regulators. De Clercq, Van de Velde, et al. (2021) Nature Plants . Supplementary website available here.
- Diatom genome biology, see our two new publications here: the Seminavis genome Nature Communications and Horizontal gene transfer functional analysis in diatoms MBE
- Latest group pictures here!
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