Transcription regulatory networks in Caenorhabditis elegans


Public Gene Name
Sequence Name
gla-3 encodes a TIS11-like protein with two CCCH-like zinc-finger domains that inhibits apoptosis in the germline, and weakly inhibits RAS signalling in vulval development along with RAS-induced muscle protein degradation; GLA-3 inhibits physiological apoptosis in oocytes, keeping it down to a normal level of ~50% in hermaphrodite gonads; gla-3 is expressed in the germline of L4 larvae and adults, and interacts with mpk-1 both genetically and physically; gla-3 requires core apoptotic proteins (CED-3 and CED-4) for its excess apoptotic mutant phenotype, but not others (CEP-1, CLK-2, or HUS-1) required for DNA damage-induced apoptosis; gla-3 mutants have increased germline apoptosis and reduced brood size due to defective pachytene exit from meiosis I, and also show weak enhancment of the multivulva phenotype of let-60(gf) or lip-1(zh15) mutations; gla-3 mutants have temperature-sensitive progressive muscle dystrophy, consistent with hyperactivation of the RAS/MAPK pathway in muscle cells; gla-3(RNAi) hermaphrodites display elevated levels of physiological germline apoptosis, independent of CEP-1.  

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