Functional clusters   top


GO term
ATP synthesis coupled proton transport

Cluster overview

Species Chromosome Experiment Cluster id Cluster size Number of genes E-value
Populus trichocarpaChr051CH_ptr_291340.000183515
Populus trichocarpaChr052CH_ptr_368340.000225719
Populus trichocarpaChr053CH_ptr_490340.000328579
Populus trichocarpaChr057CH_ptr_6340.000138198
Populus trichocarpaChr058CH_ptr_4340.000175716
Populus trichocarpaChr059CH_ptr_7340.000235525
Solanum lycopersicumch079CH_sly_234200.000583507

Functional clusters experiments

Exp id Data type Data filter Min genes cluster Max genes cluster Max cluster size E-value Tandems removal
1GOPrimary GO data only.230800.001X
2GOPrimary and orthology projected GO data.230800.001X
3GOAll GO data.230800.001X
4GOPrimary GO data only.101503000.001X
5GOPrimary and orthology projected GO data.101503000.001X
6GOAll GO data.101503000.001X
7GOPrimary GO data only.230800.001V
8GOPrimary and orthology projected GO data.230800.001V
9GOAll GO data.230800.001V
10GOPrimary GO data only.101503000.001V
11GOPrimary and orthology projected GO data.101503000.001V
12GOAll GO data.101503000.001V
13InterProNo filter applied.230800.001X
14InterProNo filter applied.101503000.001X
15InterProNo filter applied.230800.001V
16InterProNo filter applied.101503000.001V
17MapManNo filter applied.230800.001X
18MapManNo filter applied.101503000.001X
19MapManNo filter applied.230800.001V
20MapManNo filter applied.101503000.001V