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Pectin lyase-like superfamily protein
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Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_495HD-GL2-1;ANL2Not availableUpstream-130
Motif_125BOXIINTPATPBBox II found in the tobacco plastid atpB gene promoter; Conserved in several NCII (nonconsensus type II) promoters of plastid genes; Important for the activity of this NCII promoterUpstream-191
Motif_190WUSATAgTarget sequence of WUS in the intron of AGAMOUS gene in ArabidopsisUpstream-130
Motif_342POLASIG1PolyA signal; poly A signal found in legA gene of pea, rice alpha-amylase; -10 to -30 in the case of animal genes. Near upstream elements (NUE) in ArabidopsisUpstream-147
Motif_346SND1;VND6;VND7;NST1;NST2Global analysis of direct targets of secondary wall NAC master switches in ArabidopsisUpstream-252
Motif_370TATABOX2TATA box; TATA box found in the 5'upstream region of pea legA gene; sporamin A of sweet potato; TATA box found in beta-phaseolin promoter; sequence and spacing of TATA box elements are critical for accurate initiationUpstream-113
Motif_570POLASIG2PolyA signal; poly A signal found in rice alpha-amylase; -10 to -30 in the case of animal genesUpstream-319