Prof. Dr. Kathleen Marchal
- 2004-1013: associate professor at the KU Leuven (Dept. Microbial and Molecular Systems)
- 2011- associate professor in Ghent University ( Dept. of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics;Dept. of Information Technology, IDLab, IMEC;)
- 2014- extraordinary professor at the University of Pretoria (SA)
Our group focuses on the development of computational methods for systems biology for emerging technologies and for the meta-analysis of publicly available omics data, hereby designing ‘relevant’ tools by combining advanced statistics and data mining with the proper biological assumptions. These methods assist systems biologists with the analysis of their data, but also allow discovering ‘new biology’ from the meta-analysis of publicly available data.

bioinformatics, systems biology, systems genetics, data-integration, networks
Short CV
- mail:
Kathleen Marchal
Group Leader Dataintegration and Biological Networks
Dept. of Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Dept. of Information Technology, IDLab, imec,
iGent Toren, Technologiepark 15
B-9052 Gent, Belgium
Ghent University
- e-mail:
- phone
+32 486909943