Binding sites with simlar sequences

Binding site
Central element of gibberellin (GA) response complex (GARC) in high-pI alpha-amylase gene in barley; Similar to c-myb and v-myb consensus binding site; GAmyb binds specifically to the TAACAAA box in vitro; GAmyb is the sole GA-regulated transcriptional factor required for transcriptional activation of the high-pI alpha-amylase; GARC consist of the pyrimidine, TAACAAA and TATCCAC boxes; GARE in RAmy1A gene; GARE and pyrimidine box in RAmy1A are partially involved in sugar repression
Positional Weight Matrix

Binding site Name Description Sequence Similarity
Motif_317GAREATGARE (GA-responsive element); Occurrence of GARE in GA-inducible, GA-responsible, and GA-nonresponsive genes found in Arabidopsis seed germination was 20, 18, and 12%, respectively92.86%
Motif_520AMYBOX1amylase box; Conserved sequence found in 5'-upstream region of alpha-amylase gene of rice, wheat, barley92.86%