Gene duplications, the evolution of novel gene functions, and detecting functional divergence of duplicates in silico.

Duplication of genes increases the amount of genetic material on which evolution can work and has been considered of major importance for the development of biological novelties or to explain important transitions that have occurred during biological evolution. Recently, much research has been devoted to the study of the evolutionary and functional divergence of duplicated genes. Since the majority of genes are part of gene families, there is considerable interest in predicting differences in function between duplicates and assessing the functional redundancy of genes within gene families. In this review, we discuss the strengths and limitations of both older and novel approaches to investigate the evolution of duplicated genes in silico.

Raes, J., Van de Peer, Y. (2003) Gene duplications, the evolution of novel gene functions, and detecting functional divergence of duplicates in silico. Applied Bioinformatics 2(2):91-101.

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