Parental MapMan terms

Original MapMan term
RNA.regulation of transcription.Alfin-like

MapMan description genes species ath bdi cpa cre hvu mac olu osa osaindica ppa ptr sbi sit sly vvi zma
root Top-level MapMan term 332517 11 31367 25160 2579 17446 0 0 0 54524 0 31129 39705 0 33952 33400 25264 37991
27 RNA 32967 11 3046 2907 250 736 0 0 0 5262 0 2139 4741 0 3321 3955 2453 4157
27.3 RNA.regulation of transcription 24695 11 2434 2270 215 430 0 0 0 3037 0 1548 3799 0 2669 3131 1877 3285