Parental MapMan terms

Original MapMan term
RNA.regulation of transcription.MYB domain transcription factor family

MapMan description genes species aly ath atr bra bvu cla cme cpa cre cru csi egr fve gma gra lja mdo mes mtr olu osa ppa ppe ptr rco sly stu tca tpa vvi zma
root Top-level MapMan term 648820 21 17546 31367 0 38333 41 0 0 2579 17446 24545 24397 35173 0 51980 35769 0 61144 29378 0 0 54524 31129 26782 39705 30327 33400 0 0 0 25264 37991
27 RNA 67637 20 2189 3046 0 4960 0 0 0 250 736 3109 2525 3068 0 6263 4342 0 5587 3612 0 0 5262 2139 2833 4741 2410 3955 0 0 0 2453 4157
27.3 RNA.regulation of transcription 52035 20 1738 2434 0 4067 0 0 0 215 430 2484 1951 2375 0 5038 3454 0 4318 2916 0 0 3037 1548 2083 3799 1855 3131 0 0 0 1877 3285