Motif_477 | MYB1; MYB2 | An Arabidopsis myb homolog is induced by dehydration stress and its gene product binds to the conserved MYB recognition sequence;Evidence for a role for AtMYB2 in the induction of the Arabidopsis alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH1) by low oxygen | | 88.89% |
Motif_296 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 77.78% |
Motif_470 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 77.78% |
Motif_429 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 77.78% |
Motif_172 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 77.78% |
Motif_690 | AtWER | Regulation of CAPRICE transcription by MYB proteins for root epidermis differentiation in Arabidopsis | | 77.78% |
Motif_212 | GARE2OSREP1 | Gibberellin-responsive element (GARE) found in the promoter region of a cystein proteinase (REP-1) gene in rice | | 66.67% |
Motif_546 | AtWER | Regulation of CAPRICE transcription by MYB proteins for root epidermis differentiation in Arabidopsis | | 66.67% |
Motif_683 | AtMYB2 BS in RD22 | Binding site for MYB (ATMYB2) in dehydration-responsive gene, rd22; MYB binding site in rd22 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana; ABA-induction; Located at ca. -141 of rd22 gene; Also MYC at ca. -200 of rd22 gene; Role of Arabidopsis MYC and MYB homologs in drought- and abscisic acid-regulated gene expression | | 66.67% |
Motif_334 | MYB1; MYB2 | An Arabidopsis myb homolog is induced by dehydration stress and its gene product binds to the conserved MYB recognition sequence. Evidence for a role for AtMYB2 in the induction of the Arabidopsis alcohol dehydrogenase gene (ADH1) by low oxygen | | 66.67% |
Motif_351 | GARE1OSREP1 | Gibberellin-responsive element (GARE) found in the promoter region of a cystein proteinase (REP-1) gene in rice | | 66.67% |
Motif_564 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 66.67% |
Matrix_254 | MYB52 | Not Available | | 63.66% |
Motif_520 | AMYBOX1 | amylase box; Conserved sequence found in 5'-upstream region of alpha-amylase gene of rice, wheat, barley | | 61.11% |
Matrix_291 | EDF3 | Not Available | | 59.04% |
Matrix_180 | SPL1 | Not Available | | 58.92% |
Matrix_31 | SPL1 | Not Available | | 57.70% |
Matrix_137 | SPL1; SPL12 | Not Available | | 57.35% |
Matrix_494 | OBP4 | Not Available | | 56.96% |
Motif_598 | SORLIP3AT | one of Sequences Over-Represented in Light-Induced Promoters (SORLIPs) in Arabidopsis; Computationally identified phyA-induced motifs; See also all SORLIPs and also all SORLREPs; Identification of key promoter motifs involved in the network of light-regulated gene expression by combined analysis of genomic sequence and microarray data | | 55.56% |
Motif_88 | MYB2AT | Binding site for ATMYB2, an Arabidopsis MYB homolog; ATMYB2 binds oligonucleotides that contained a consensus MYB recognition sequence (TAACTG), such as is in the SV40 enhancer and the maize bronze-1 promoter; ATMYB2 is involved in regulation of genes that are responsive to water stress in Arabidopsis | | 55.56% |
Motif_86 | ACGTABOX | A-box according to the nomenclature of ACGT elements; One of ACGT elements; Found in ocs gene; RITA-1 binding site; G motif; G motif and TATCCAY motif (a GATA motif as its antisense sequence) are responsible for sugar repression | | 55.56% |
Motif_614 | MYBGAHV | Central element of gibberellin (GA) response complex (GARC) in high-pI alpha-amylase gene in barley; Similar to c-myb and v-myb consensus binding site; GAmyb binds specifically to the TAACAAA box in vitro; GAmyb is the sole GA-regulated transcriptional factor required for transcriptional activation of the high-pI alpha-amylase; GARC consist of the pyrimidine, TAACAAA and TATCCAC boxes; GARE in RAmy1A gene; GARE and pyrimidine box in RAmy1A are partially involved in sugar repression | | 55.56% |
Motif_476 | XYLAT | cis-element identified among the promoters of the core xylem gene set | | 55.56% |
Motif_141 | BP5OSWX | OsBP-5 (a MYC protein) binding site in Wx promoter | | 55.56% |
Motif_436 | WRKY18 | Identification of genes encoding receptor-like protein kinases as possible targets of pathogen- and salicylic acid-induced WRKY DNA-binding proteins in Arabidopsis | | 55.56% |
Motif_554 | AtLHY; AtCCA1 | LUX ARRHYTHMO encodes a Myb domain protein essential for circadian rhythms | | 55.56% |
Motif_517 | LEAFYATAG | Target sequence of LEAFY in the intron of AGAMOUS gene in Arabidopsis | | 55.56% |
Motif_53 | ABREA2HVA1 | A2 of ABRC3; ABRC3 (ABA response complex 3) of HVA1 consists of CE3 and A2; ABA responsive element; stress response; Found in barley HVA1 gene encoding a class 3 late embryogenesis-abundant (Lea) protein; ABRC1 OF HVA22 consists of CE1 and A3 | | 55.56% |
Motif_623 | MYBCOREATCYCB1 | Myb core in the 18 bp sequence which is able to activate reporter gene without leading to M-phase-specific expression, found in the promoter of Arabidopsis thaliana cyclin B1:1 gene; the 18 bp sequence share homology with a sequence found in the N. sylvestris cyclin B1 promoter | | 55.56% |
Motif_559 | RAV1-A binding site motif; RAV1AAT | Binding consensus sequence of Arabidopsis transcription factor, RAV1; RAV1 specifically binds to DNA with bipartite sequence motifs of RAV1-A (CAACA) and RAV1-B (CACCTG); RAV1 protein contain AP2-like and B3-like domains; The AP2-like and B3-like domains recognize the CAACA and CACCTG motifs, respectively; The expression level of RAV1 were relatively high in rosette leaves and roots; RAV1, a novel DNA-binding protein, binds to bipartite recognition sequence through two distinct DNA-binding domains uniquely found in higher plants | | 55.56% |
Motif_496 | JASE1ATOPR1 | JASE1found in promoter of Arabidopsis thaliana 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid-10,11-reductase (OPR1) gene; Located between -179 and -170; Involved in up-regulation by both senescence and JA;Identical promoter elements are involved in regulation of the OPR1 gene by senescence and jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis | | 55.56% |
Motif_473 | ABREOSRGA1 | ABRE (ABA responsive element) in rice RGA1 encoding a G protein alpha subunit;ABRE; ABA and water-stress responses; Found in maize rab28; maize rab28 is ABA-inducible in embryos and vegetative tissues; Found in the Arabidopsis (A.t.) alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene promoter; ABRE2; Found in the maize (Z.m.) Cat1 gene promoter; Responsible for the induction by ABA; Binding site of CBF2; Arabidopsis CBF1 overexpression induces COR genes and enhances freezing tolerance; The CBF genes do not appear to be autoregulated through the CRT/DRE sequence;The cis-regulatory element CCACGTGG is involved in ABA and water-stress responses of the maize gene rab28. Characterization of a maize G-box binding factor that is induced by hypoxia | | 55.56% |
Motif_27 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 55.56% |
Motif_190 | WUSATAg | Target sequence of WUS in the intron of AGAMOUS gene in Arabidopsis | | 55.56% |
Motif_399 | UPRMOTIFIAT | Motif I in the conserved UPR (unfolded protein response) cis-acting element in Arabidopsis genes coding for SAR1B, HSP-90, SBR-like, Ca-ATPase 4, CNX1, PDI, etc. | | 55.56% |
Motif_9 | RBENTGA3 | rbe (RSG binding element) found in the tobacco GA3 gene promoter; Binding site of RSG (Repression of shoot growth); RSG is a bZIP transcriptional activator; RSG regulates the morphology of plants by controlling the endogenous amounts of GAs | | 55.56% |
Motif_260 | MYB98 | MYB98 positively regulates a battery of synergid-expressed genes encoding filiform apparatus localized proteins | | 55.56% |
Motif_188 | CDA1ATCAB2 | CDA-1 (CAB2 DET1-associated factor 1) binding site in DtRE (dark response element) f of chlorophyll a/b-binding protein2 (CAB2) gene in Arabidopsis | | 55.56% |
Motif_223 | LTRE1HVBLT49 | LTRE-1 (low-temperature-responsive element) in barley (H.v.) blt4.9 gene promoter; A new LTRE; A previously known LTRE is CCGAC | | 55.56% |
Motif_182 | MYB2CONSENSUSAT | MYB recognition site found in the promoters of the dehydration-responsive gene rd22 and many other genes in Arabidopsis; see MYB2 and MYBATRD22 | | 55.56% |
Matrix_209 | RAP2.6 | Not Available | | 55.00% |
Matrix_150 | UNE10; PIF7 | Not Available | | 54.75% |
Matrix_319 | TEM1 | Not Available | | 54.06% |
Matrix_159 | TEM2 | Not Available | | 53.57% |
Matrix_365 | AT1G10120; AT1G25330; CIB5; AT1G68920; AT3G23690; CIB1 | Not Available | | 52.59% |
Matrix_60 | AT1G01260; AT5G57150 | Not Available | | 52.01% |
Matrix_411 | DOF5.6 | Not Available | | 51.75% |
Matrix_476 | bHLH115; bHLH34 | Not Available | | 51.57% |
Motif_139 | RHERPATEXPA7 | Right part of RHEs (Root Hair-specific cis-Elements) conserved among the Arabidopsis thaliana A7 (AtEXPA7) orthologous (and paralogous) genes from diverse angiosperm species with different hair distribution patterns | | 51.49% |
Motif_531 | AP2SV40 | AP-2 binding site in enhancer regions of SV40 and human metallothionein IIA (hMT IIA) | | 51.49% |
Matrix_388 | SNZ; SMZ; TOE2 | Not Available | | 51.25% |
Matrix_85 | SPL5 | Not Available | | 51.21% |
Matrix_199 | AT1G69170; SPL9; SPL15; SPL13A; SPL13B | Not Available | | 51.06% |
Matrix_487 | AT1G29160 | Not Available | | 50.55% |
Motif_317 | GAREAT | GARE (GA-responsive element); Occurrence of GARE in GA-inducible, GA-responsible, and GA-nonresponsive genes found in Arabidopsis seed germination was 20, 18, and 12%, respectively | | 50.00% |
Motif_292 | MYBPZM | Core of consensus maize P (myb homolog) binding site; 6 bp core; Maize P gene specifies red pigmentation of kernel pericarp, cob, and other floral organs; P binds to A1 gene, but not Bz1 gene; Maize C1 (myb homolog) activates both A1 and Bz1 genes | | 50.00% |
Motif_618 | MYB1AT | MYB recognition site found in the promoters of the dehydration-responsive gene rd22 and many other genes in Arabidopsis | | 50.00% |
Motif_181 | IBOXCORENT | I-box core motif in the CAMs (conserved DNA modular arrays) associated with light-responsive promoter regions | | 50.00% |