//The Anno-J configuration object AnnoJ.config = { //List of configurations for all tracks in the Anno-J instance tracks : [ //Example config for a ModelsTrack { id : 'models', name : 'Gene Models', type : 'ModelsTrack', path : 'Annotation models', //Pointing to a local service data : '../genemodel/Cerbe/current', height : 100, showControls : true }, { id : 'RNAmodels', name : 'RNA Models', type : 'ModelsTrack', path : 'Annotation models', //Pointing to a local service data : '../rnamodel/Cerbe/current', height : 100, showControls : true }, { id : 'repeats', name : 'Repeats', type : 'MaskTrack', path : 'Annotation models', data : '../repeats/Cerbe/current', minHeight : 20, maxHeight : 40, height : 20, single : true }, { id : 'ESTs', name : 'Transcript sequences', type : 'ModelsTrack', path : 'Messenger RNA', data : '../ests/Cerbe/current', height : 100, single : false, showControls : false, showArrows : false } ], //A list of tracks that will be active by default (use the ID of the track) //active : ['models',,'WGTA','ESTs'], active : ['models','ESTs','repeats'], //Address of service that provides information about this genome genome : '../species/Cerbe/current', //Address of service that stores / loads user bookmarks // bookmarks : 'http://psbdev01.psb.ugent.be/sites/liste_sandbox/syndicate.php', //A list of stylesheets that a user can select between (optional) stylesheets : [ ], //The default 'view'. In this example, chr1, position 1, zoom ratio 20:1. location : { assembly : 'Array', position : 1000, bases : 20, pixels : 1, }, //Site administrator contact details (optional) admin : { name : 'Lieven Sterck', email : 'lieven.sterck@psb.vib-ugent.be', notes : 'Gent, Europe, Belgium' } };