This directory contains the v2.0 annotation for the Zostera marina bacterial contaminants. Please visit the 'zostera_marina_proper' directory for the non-contaminated genome information. No pseudogenes are taken up in the CDS/PROT sequence files. Zosma_CDS.v2.bacterial.20140501.fasta.gz CDS sequences Zosma_embl.v2.bacterial.20140501.tar.gz EMBL annotation files Zosma_gene_info.v2.bacterial.20140501.txt.gz General Gene information (tab-separated values, easy for Excel) Zosma_gff3.v2.bacterial.20140501.tar.gz GFF3 annotation files Zosma_gff.v2.bacterial.20140501.tar.gz GFF annotation files Zosma_gtf.v2.bacterial.20140501.tar.gz GTF annotation files Zosma_PROT.v2.bacterial.20140501.fasta.gz PROTEIN sequences Zostera_marina.selectedgenome.bacterial.fasta.gz GENOME assembly ** WARNING ** The annotation for the bacterial contaminants has NOT been checked. As it was taken up in an eukaryotic prediction process, you can expect to find many errors.