File name Description MoringaV2_genome.fa the genome assembly version2 of Moringa oleifera using long reads MoringaV2.gff3 annotation file (gff3 format) MoringaV2.cds.fa CDS sequences of genes MoringaV2.pep.fa protein sequences of genes embryophyta_odb10_busco_result.txt BUSCO assessment based on embryophyta_odb10 database Moringa_IsoSeq_polished.hq.fasta high-quality Iso-seq data minimap.sorted.bam the bam file of mapping the high-quality Iso-seq data to the genome using Minimap2 minimap.sorted.bam.bai index file of the bam file MoringaV2.RNA_seq.TPM.tsv Gene expression (TPM) table MoringaV2.Orthogroup_Classification.tsv Orthogroup clustering result MoringaV2.GO_EC.annot GO annotation MoringaV2.Kegg_numbers.tsv KEGG annotation