Tree Explorer: HOM03D000334   top

Species colored phylogenetic tree with associated protein domains.
The stripped multiple sequence alignment used to infer the phylogenetic tree is only 76 amino acids long

Protein domain view

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Multiple Sequence Alignment information

Stripped length

Outlier/stripped gene information

Gene id Status Cause
VV01G08750 removed partial
ME00977G00230 removed partial
CRU_001G24510 removed partial
SL05G018760 removed partial
SL12G006230 removed partial
SL07G045190 removed partial
PPE_001G31350 removed partial
MD00G019110 removed partial
GR09G35340 removed partial
ST12G011360 removed partial
EG0005G09110 removed partial
ST05G019620 removed partial
AT4G00305 removed partial
GM01G23384 removed partial
EG0002G27070 removed partial
CP00001G02460 removed partial
VV01G08740 removed partial
BR02G26370 removed partial
AL6G41370 removed partial
ST07G017580 removed partial
CR09G03400 removed outlier
MD00G020600 removed outlier
MD00G029000 removed outlier
MT00G11540 removed outlier
OL11G02670 removed outlier
PPE_002G30550 removed outlier
RC30116G00190 removed outlier
TC0002G26200 removed outlier