View conserved binding sites

Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_278AtbZIP44Not availableUpstream-72
Motif_104CAREOSREP1CAREs (CAACTC regulatory elements) found in the promoter region of a cystein proteinase (REP-1) gene in riceUpstream-69
Motif_155NODCON1GMOne of two putative nodulin consensus sequences; See also NODCON2GM; One of the consensus sequence motifs of organ-specific elements (OSE) characteristic of the promoters activated in infected cells of root nodulesUpstream-53
Motif_261S1FBOXSORPS1L21S1F box conserved both in spinach RPS1 and RPL21 genes encoding the plastid ribosomal protein S1 and L21, respectively; Negative element; Might play a role in downregulating RPS1 and RPL21 promoter activityUpstream-210
Motif_321TATABOX5TATA box; TATA box found in the 5'upstream region of pea (Pisum sativum) glutamine synthetase gene; a functional TATA element by in vivo analysisUpstream-78
Motif_342POLASIG1PolyA signal; poly A signal found in legA gene of pea, rice alpha-amylase; -10 to -30 in the case of animal genes. Near upstream elements (NUE) in ArabidopsisUpstream-82
Motif_43CCA1 binding site motifCCA1 binding site; CCA1 protein (myb-related transcription factor) interact with two imperfect repeats of AAMAATCT in Lhcb1*3 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana; Related to regulation by phytochrome;A myb-related transcription factor is involved in the phytochrome regulation of an Arabidopsis Lhcb geneUpstream-728
Motif_615MARTBOXT-Box; Motif found in SAR (scaffold attachment region; or matrix attachment region, MAR)Upstream-82
Motif_70CANBNNAPACore of (CA)n element in storage protein genes in Brasica napus; embryo- and endosperm-specific transcription of napin (storage protein) gene, napA; seed specificity; activator and repressorUpstream-246