View conserved binding sites

Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Motif_125BOXIINTPATPBBox II found in the tobacco plastid atpB gene promoter; Conserved in several NCII (nonconsensus type II) promoters of plastid genes; Important for the activity of this NCII promoterUpstream-95
Motif_258-10PEHVPSBD-10 promoter element found in the barley (H.v.) chloroplast psbD gene promoter; Involved in the expression of the plastid gene psbD which encodes a photosystem II reaction center chlorophyll-binding protein that is activated by blue, white or UV-A lightUpstream-93
Motif_342POLASIG1PolyA signal; poly A signal found in legA gene of pea, rice alpha-amylase; -10 to -30 in the case of animal genes. Near upstream elements (NUE) in ArabidopsisUpstream-91
Motif_357NTBBF1ARROLBNtBBF1(Dof protein from tobacco) binding site in Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolB gene; Found in regulatory domain B (-341 to -306); Required for tissue-specific expression and auxin inductionUpstream-89