View conserved binding sites

Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_269FHY3/FAR1Not availableUpstream-538
Motif_125BOXIINTPATPBBox II found in the tobacco plastid atpB gene promoter; Conserved in several NCII (nonconsensus type II) promoters of plastid genes; Important for the activity of this NCII promoterUpstream-463
Motif_342POLASIG1PolyA signal; poly A signal found in legA gene of pea, rice alpha-amylase; -10 to -30 in the case of animal genes. Near upstream elements (NUE) in ArabidopsisIntron2871
Motif_502MYB98The MYB98 subcircuit of the synergid gene regulatory network includes genes directly and indirectly regulated by MYB98Intron2854
Motif_618MYB1ATMYB recognition site found in the promoters of the dehydration-responsive gene rd22 and many other genes in ArabidopsisIntron2844
Motif_658GT1CONSENSUSConsensus GT-1 binding site in many light-regulated genes, e.g., RBCS from many species, PHYA from oat and rice, spinach RCA and PETA, and bean CHS15; GT-1 can stabilize the TFIIA-TBP-DNA (TATA box) complex; The activation mechanism of GT-1 may be achieved through direct interaction between TFIIA and GT-1; Binding of GT-1-like factors to the PR-1a promoter influences the level of SA-inducible gene expressionIntron2874