View conserved binding sites

Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Motif_155NODCON1GMOne of two putative nodulin consensus sequences; See also NODCON2GM; One of the consensus sequence motifs of organ-specific elements (OSE) characteristic of the promoters activated in infected cells of root nodulesDownstream4045
Motif_168IBOXI box; I-box; Conserved sequence upstream of light-regulated genes; Sequence found in the promoter region of rbcS of tomato and Arabidopsis; I box; Binding site of LeMYB1, that is a member of a novel class of myb-like proteins; LeMYBI act as a transcriptional activator; An evolutionarily conserved protein binding sequence upstream of a plant light-regulated geneUpstream-692
Motif_174SREATMSDsugar-repressive element (SRE) found in 272 of the 1592 down-regulated genes after main stem decapitation in ArabidopsisUpstream-691
Motif_309GATA promoter motifArabidopsis thaliana GATA factors: organisation, expression and DNA-binding characteristicsDownstream4035
Motif_342POLASIG1PolyA signal; poly A signal found in legA gene of pea, rice alpha-amylase; -10 to -30 in the case of animal genes. Near upstream elements (NUE) in ArabidopsisDownstream4042
Motif_489SORLREP3ATone of Sequences Over-Represented in Light-Repressed Promoters (SORLREPs) in Arabidopsis; Computationally identified phyA-repressed motifs; See also all SORLREPs and also all SORLIPs;Identification of key promoter motifs involved in the network of light-regulated gene expression by combined analysis of genomic sequence and microarray dataUpstream-1513
Motif_628TATCCAOSAMYTATCCA element found in alpha-amylase promoters of rice at positions ca.90 to 150bp upstream of the transcription start sites; Binding sites of OsMYBS1, OsMYBS2 and OsMYBS3 which mediate sugar and hormone regulation of alpha-amylase gene expression; See also AMYBOX2Upstream-613