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II reaction center protein H
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Motif_195TATABOX4TATA box; TATA box found in the 5'upstream region of sweet potato sporamin A gene; TATA box found in beta-phaseolin promoter; sequence and spacing of TATA box elements are critical for accurate initiationUpstream-73
Motif_422SP8BFIBSP8BIBOne of SPBF binding site (SP8b); Found at -330, -220, and -200 of gSPO-B1 (sporamin) gene, and also at -80 of gB-Amy (beta-amylase) gene; SP8BF recognizes both SP8a and SP8b sequences; See also SP8BFIBSP8AIB; SP8BF activity is also found in tobacco; SP8b found in the 5' upstream region of three differnt genes coding for sporamin and beta-amylase; Binding site of SPF1; SPF1 also binds to the SP8bUpstream-10
Motif_536TBOXATGAPBTbox found in the Arabidopsis thaliana GAPB gene promoter; Located between -94 and -89 (T1) and also between -84 and -79 (T2); Mutations in the Tbox resulted in reductions of light-activated gene transcription; GAPB encodes the B subunit of chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GADPH) of A.T.; Promoter analysis of the nuclear gene encoding the chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase B subunit of Arabidopsis thalianaUpstream-586
Motif_618MYB1ATMYB recognition site found in the promoters of the dehydration-responsive gene rd22 and many other genes in ArabidopsisUpstream-41