View conserved binding sites

Callose synthase
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_396AP3Not availableUpstream-149
Matrix_412GL1Not availableIntron9635
Matrix_501DAG2Not availableIntron7451
Motif_116INRNTPSADBInr (initiator) elements found in the tobacco psaDb gene promoter without TATA boxes; Light-responsive transcription of psaDb depends on Inr, but not TATA boxUpstream-228
Motif_358UP2ATMSDUp2 motif found in 193 of the 1184 up-regulated genes after main stem decapitation in ArabidopsisUpstream-147
Motif_437ANAERO2CONSENSUSOne of 16 motifs found in silico in promoters of 13 anaerobic genes involved in the fermentative pathway (anaerobic set 1)Upstream-212
Motif_536TBOXATGAPBTbox found in the Arabidopsis thaliana GAPB gene promoter; Located between -94 and -89 (T1) and also between -84 and -79 (T2); Mutations in the Tbox resulted in reductions of light-activated gene transcription; GAPB encodes the B subunit of chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GADPH) of A.T.; Promoter analysis of the nuclear gene encoding the chloroplast glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase B subunit of Arabidopsis thalianaUpstream-225
Motif_85SORLIP5ATone of Sequences Over-Represented in Light-Induced Promoters (SORLIPs) in Arabidopsis; Computationally identified phyA-induced motifs; Over-represented in both light-induced cotyledon-specific and root-specific genes; Identification of key promoter motifs involved in the network of light-regulated gene expression by combined analysis of genomic sequence and microarray dataUpstream-232