View conserved binding sites

LOB domain-containing protein 21
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Motif_136SEF4MOTIFGM7SSEF4 binding site; Soybean consensus sequence found in 5'upstream region (-199) of beta-conglycinin (7S globulin) gene (Gmg17.1); Binding with SEF4 (soybean embryo factor 4)Upstream-178
Motif_150RBCSCONSENSUSrbcS general consensus sequence; AATCCAA or AATCCAACUpstream-187
Motif_155NODCON1GMOne of two putative nodulin consensus sequences; See also NODCON2GM; One of the consensus sequence motifs of organ-specific elements (OSE) characteristic of the promoters activated in infected cells of root nodulesUpstream-195
Motif_603SITEIIATCYTCSite II element found in the promoter regions of cytochrome genes (Cytc-1, Cytc-2) in Arabidopsis; Located between -147 and -156 from the translational starts sites;Overrepresented in the promoters of nuclear genes encoding components of the oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) machinery from both Arabidopsis and riceUpstream-164
Motif_70CANBNNAPACore of (CA)n element in storage protein genes in Brasica napus; embryo- and endosperm-specific transcription of napin (storage protein) gene, napA; seed specificity; activator and repressorUpstream-184