View conserved binding sites

inhibitor/interactor with cyclin-dependent kinase
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_25AP3Not availableUpstream-33
Matrix_269FHY3/FAR1Not availableUpstream-69
Matrix_372ANAC81DNA binding specificity of ATAF2, a NAC domain transcription factor targeted for degradation by Tobacco mosaic virusIntron1316
Matrix_407AP1Not availableIntron867
Matrix_414AGL15Not availableUpstream-32
Motif_116INRNTPSADBInr (initiator) elements found in the tobacco psaDb gene promoter without TATA boxes; Light-responsive transcription of psaDb depends on Inr, but not TATA boxUpstream-41
Motif_385GGTCCCATGMSAURSequence found in NDE element in Soybean SAUR (Small Auxin-Up RNA) 15A gene promoter; Involved in auxin responsivenessIntron1117
Motif_393AUXREPSIAA4AuxRE (Auxine responsive element ) of pea PS-IAA4/5 gene; Indoleacetic acid-inducible genes; domain A; TGA1a is preferentially expressed in root tip meristems; TGA1a may contribute to the expression of GST isoenzymes, especially in root tip meristemsIntron1117
Motif_502MYB98The MYB98 subcircuit of the synergid gene regulatory network includes genes directly and indirectly regulated by MYB98Upstream-1815
Motif_642SEF1MOTIFSEF1 (soybean embryo factor 1) binding motif; sequence found in 5'-upstream region (-640; -765) of soybean beta-conglicinin (7S globulin) geneUpstream-408
Motif_658GT1CONSENSUSConsensus GT-1 binding site in many light-regulated genes, e.g., RBCS from many species, PHYA from oat and rice, spinach RCA and PETA, and bean CHS15; GT-1 can stabilize the TFIIA-TBP-DNA (TATA box) complex; The activation mechanism of GT-1 may be achieved through direct interaction between TFIIA and GT-1; Binding of GT-1-like factors to the PR-1a promoter influences the level of SA-inducible gene expressionUpstream-13
Motif_682GT1GMSCAM4GT-1 motif found in the promoter of soybean CaM isoform, SCaM-4; Plays a role in pathogen- and salt-induced SCaM-4 gene expressionUpstream-39