View conserved binding sites

PsbP-like protein 1
P82538;PsbP-like protein 1
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Motif_174SREATMSDsugar-repressive element (SRE) found in 272 of the 1592 down-regulated genes after main stem decapitation in ArabidopsisUpstream-77
Motif_495TRANSINITMONOCOTSContext sequence of translational initiation codon in monocotsIntron407
Motif_543TATCCACHVAL21TATCCAC box is a part of the conserved cis-acting response complex (GARC) that most often contain three sequence motifs, the TAACAAA box, or GA-responsive element (GARE); the pyrimidine box, CCTTTT (see S000259); and the TATCCAC box, which are necessary for a full GA responseUpstream-78