View conserved binding sites

casein kinase II beta subunit 4
casein kinase II beta subunit 4;O80507
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_396AP3Not availableUpstream-106
Motif_174SREATMSDsugar-repressive element (SRE) found in 272 of the 1592 down-regulated genes after main stem decapitation in ArabidopsisUpstream-98
Motif_210REBETALGLHCB21REbeta found in Lemna gibba Lhcb21 gene promoter; Located at -114 to -109; A GATA sequence created at a position six nucleotides upstream could replace the function of REbeta; Required for phytochrome regulationUpstream-97
Motif_358UP2ATMSDUp2 motif found in 193 of the 1184 up-regulated genes after main stem decapitation in ArabidopsisUpstream-107
Motif_658GT1CONSENSUSConsensus GT-1 binding site in many light-regulated genes, e.g., RBCS from many species, PHYA from oat and rice, spinach RCA and PETA, and bean CHS15; GT-1 can stabilize the TFIIA-TBP-DNA (TATA box) complex; The activation mechanism of GT-1 may be achieved through direct interaction between TFIIA and GT-1; Binding of GT-1-like factors to the PR-1a promoter influences the level of SA-inducible gene expressionUpstream-99
Motif_69CTRMCAMV35SCT-rich motif (inverted GAGA) found in a 60-nucleotide region (S1) downstream of the transcription start site of the CaMV 35S RNA; Can enhance gene expression; Inverted GAGAUpstream-1066
Motif_90GT1MOTIFPSRBCSGT-1 motif; Consensus sequence of rbcS BOX II, III, II', III'; GT-1 box; 5' upstream region (-151) of pea (P.s.) rbcS gene; binding with trans factor GT-1; See GT1COREUpstream-1008