View conserved binding sites

Ankyrin repeat family protein
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Motif_307TATCCAYMOTIFOSRAMY3DTATCCAY motif found in rice RAmy3D alpha-amylase gene promoter; a GATA motif as its antisense sequence; TATCCAY motif and G motif are responsible for sugar repressionUpstream-59
Motif_543TATCCACHVAL21TATCCAC box is a part of the conserved cis-acting response complex (GARC) that most often contain three sequence motifs, the TAACAAA box, or GA-responsive element (GARE); the pyrimidine box, CCTTTT (see S000259); and the TATCCAC box, which are necessary for a full GA responseUpstream-59
Motif_628TATCCAOSAMYTATCCA element found in alpha-amylase promoters of rice at positions ca.90 to 150bp upstream of the transcription start sites; Binding sites of OsMYBS1, OsMYBS2 and OsMYBS3 which mediate sugar and hormone regulation of alpha-amylase gene expression; See also AMYBOX2Upstream-58