View conserved binding sites

catalase 3
Binding siteNameDescriptionLocationPosition
Matrix_281TCP13Not availableUpstream-1160
Matrix_290AP2Not availableUpstream-1603
Matrix_294MEE35Not availableUpstream-1160
Matrix_82TCP17Not availableUpstream-1160
Matrix_89SOC1Genome-wide identification of SOC1 and SVP targets during the floral transition in ArabidopsisUpstream-250
Matrix_9AT5G04760Not availableUpstream-1920
Motif_174SREATMSDsugar-repressive element (SRE) found in 272 of the 1592 down-regulated genes after main stem decapitation in ArabidopsisUpstream-896
Motif_210REBETALGLHCB21REbeta found in Lemna gibba Lhcb21 gene promoter; Located at -114 to -109; A GATA sequence created at a position six nucleotides upstream could replace the function of REbeta; Required for phytochrome regulationUpstream-897
Motif_408EVENINGATEvening element found 46 times in the promoters of 31 cycling genes in Arabidopsis thaliana; Required for circadian control of gene expression; EE (evening element) motif; Also found in the promoter of the Solanum melongena gene encoding cysteine protease, and identified as cis-element for its circadian regulation;Orchestrated transcription of key pathways in Arabidopsis by the circadian clockUpstream-249