All COGs for helicobacterpylorij99 : U
Genes (#)COGCOG description
1COG0541Signal recognition particle GTPase
1COG0552Signal recognition particle GTPase
2COG0811Biopolymer transport proteins
3COG0848Biopolymer transport protein
1COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase

Included Genes in helicobacterpylorij99 : U
AE001439_1194273AAD06659.12743COG0541Signal recognition particle GTPaseputative SIGNAL RECOGNITION PARTICLE PROTEIN
AE001439_779135AAD06275.12743COG0552Signal recognition particle GTPaseFUNCTIONAL HOMOLOG OF SRP RECEPTOR
AE001439_1467942AAD06914.118566COG0811Biopolymer transport proteinsBIOPOLYMER TRANSPORT PROTEIN
AE001439_1375917AAD06831.118566COG0811Biopolymer transport proteinsBIOPOLYMER TRANSPORT PROTEIN
AE001439_1173138AAD06636.18394COG0848Biopolymer transport proteinBIOPOLYMER TRANSPORT PROTEIN
AE001439_1468405AAD06915.18394COG0848Biopolymer transport proteinBIOPOLYMER TRANSPORT PROTEIN
AE001439_1376351AAD06832.18394COG0848Biopolymer transport proteinBIOPOLYMER TRANSPORT EXBD PROTEIN
AE001439_1443145AAD06888.1454COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPaseFLAGELLUM-SPECIFIC ATP SYNTHASE

Excluded Genes in helicobacterpylorij99 : U
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