All COGs for chlamydophilapneumoniaecwl029 : U
Genes (#)COGCOG description
1COG0541Signal recognition particle GTPase
1COG0552Signal recognition particle GTPase
2COG0740Protease subunit of ATP-dependent Clp proteases
2COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase

Included Genes in chlamydophilapneumoniaecwl029 : U
AE001363_147279AAD18268.12743COG0541Signal recognition particle GTPaseSignal Recognition Particle GTPase
AE001363_1115427AAD19109.12743COG0552Signal recognition particle GTPaseCell Division Protein FtsY
AE001363_959384AAD18985.1248COG0740Protease subunit of ATP-dependent Clp proteasesCLP Protease Subunit
AE001363_601643AAD18660.1248COG0740Protease subunit of ATP-dependent Clp proteasesCLP Protease
AE001363_975754AAD18996.1454COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPaseFlagellum-specific ATP Synthase
AE001363_793701AAD18846.1454COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPaseYops secretion ATPase

Excluded Genes in chlamydophilapneumoniaecwl029 : U
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