All COGs for campylobacterjejunisubsp_nctc11168 : U
Genes (#)COGCOG description
1COG0541Signal recognition particle GTPase
1COG0552Signal recognition particle GTPase
3COG0848Biopolymer transport protein
1COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase

Included Genes in campylobacterjejunisubsp_nctc11168 : U
CJ11168_665788CAB72983.12743COG0541Signal recognition particle GTPasesignal recognition particle protein
CJ11168_1135449CAB73460.12743COG0552Signal recognition particle GTPaseputative signal recognition particle protein
CJ11168_1556443CAB73617.18394COG0848Biopolymer transport proteinputative exbD/tolR family transport protein
CJ11168_116265CAB72594.18394COG0848Biopolymer transport proteinexbD olR family transport protein
CJ11168_176791CAB72663.18394COG0848Biopolymer transport proteinbiopolymer transport protein
CJ11168_190168CAB72678.1454COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPaseflagellum-specific ATP synthase

Excluded Genes in campylobacterjejunisubsp_nctc11168 : U
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