All COGs for thermotogamaritima : O
Genes (#)COGCOG description
2COG0396ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly, ATPase component
2COG0542ATPases with chaperone activity, ATP-binding subunit
1COG1219ATP-dependent protease Clp, ATPase subunit
1COG1220ATP-dependent protease HslVU (ClpYQ), ATPase subunit

Included Genes in thermotogamaritima : O
AE000512_1385846AAD36439.135629COG0396ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly, ATPase componentABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
AE000512_1431995AAD36488.135629COG0396ABC-type transport system involved in Fe-S cluster assembly, ATPase componentABC transporter, ATP-binding protein
AE000512_830496AAD35889.132187COG0450Peroxiredoxinalkyl hydroperoxide reductase, putative
AE000512_210687AAD35290.14410COG0542ATPases with chaperone activity, ATP-binding subunitATP-dependent Clp protease, ATPase subunit
AE000512_1405221AAD36462.14410COG0542ATPases with chaperone activity, ATP-binding subunitATP-dependent Clp protease, ATPase subunit
AE000512_151862AAD35239.13207COG1219ATP-dependent protease Clp, ATPase subunitATP-dependent Clp protease, ATPase subunit clpX
AE000512_547361AAD35607.13207COG1220ATP-dependent protease HslVU (ClpYQ), ATPase subunitheat shock protein HslU
AE000512_806148AAD35862.132187COG1225Peroxiredoxinbacterioferritin comigratory protein, ahpC/TSA family

Excluded Genes in thermotogamaritima : O
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