All COGs for helicobacterpylorij99 : N
Genes (#)COGCOG description
2COG0840Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein
1COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase
2COG1344Flagellin and related hook-associated proteins
2COG1749Flagellar hook protein FlgE

Included Genes in helicobacterpylorij99 : N
AE001439_82800AAD05650.119994COG0840Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteinmethyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP)
AE001439_100277AAD05672.119994COG0840Methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteinmethyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP)
AE001439_1443145AAD06888.1454COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPaseFLAGELLUM-SPECIFIC ATP SYNTHASE
AE001439_118931AAD05686.112381COG1344Flagellin and related hook-associated proteinsflagellin B
AE001439_597954AAD06133.112381COG1344Flagellin and related hook-associated proteinsFLAGELLIN A
AE001439_360338AAD05896.125036COG1749Flagellar hook protein FlgEFLAGELLAR BASAL-BODY ROD PROTEIN
AE001439_1639654AAD07066.125036COG1749Flagellar hook protein FlgEFLAGELLAR BASAL-BODY ROD PROTEIN (DISTAL ROD PROTEIN)

Excluded Genes in helicobacterpylorij99 : N
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