All COGs for brucellamelitensis16m : N
Genes (#)COGCOG description
1COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPase
1COG1749Flagellar hook protein FlgE
2COG1766Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway lipoprotein
2COG4786Flagellar basal body rod protein

Included Genes in brucellamelitensis16m : N
AE008918_1142501AAL54347.1454COG1157Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway ATPaseFLAGELLUM-SPECIFIC ATP SYNTHASE
AE008918_171536AAL53400.125036COG1749Flagellar hook protein FlgEFLAGELLAR HOOK PROTEIN FLGE
AE008918_164247AAL53393.123387COG1766Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway lipoproteinFLAGELLAR M-RING PROTEIN FLIF
AE008918_163506AAL53392.123387COG1766Flagellar biosynthesis/type III secretory pathway lipoproteinFLAGELLAR M-RING PROTEIN FLIF
AE008918_1125549AAL54328.125036COG4786Flagellar basal body rod proteinFLAGELLAR BASAL-BODY ROD PROTEIN FLGG
AE008918_1144069AAL54349.125036COG4786Flagellar basal body rod proteinFLAGELLAR BASAL-BODY ROD PROTEIN FLGF

Excluded Genes in brucellamelitensis16m : N
No results Found ...

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