All COGs for chlamydiatrachomatis_duw3cx : L
Genes (#)COGCOG description
2COG0187Type IIA topoisomerase (DNA gyrase/topo II, topoisomerase IV), B subunit
2COG0593ATPase involved in DNA replication initiation
2COG0847DNA polymerase III, epsilon subunit and related 3'-5' exonucleases

Included Genes in chlamydiatrachomatis_duw3cx : L
AE001273_756509AAC68256.14233COG0187Type IIA topoisomerase (DNA gyrase/topo II, topoisomerase IV), B subunitDNA Gyrase Subunit B
AE001273_212937AAC67782.14233COG0187Type IIA topoisomerase (DNA gyrase/topo II, topoisomerase IV), B subunitDNA Gyrase Subunit B
AE001273_306433AAC67868.17806COG0593ATPase involved in DNA replication initiationReplication Initiation Factor
AE001273_279889AAC67843.17806COG0593ATPase involved in DNA replication initiationReplication Initiation Factor
AE001273_603363AAC68138.16770COG0847DNA polymerase III, epsilon subunit and related 3'-5' exonucleasesDNA Pol III Epsilon Chain
AE001273_292430AAC67854.16770COG0847DNA polymerase III, epsilon subunit and related 3'-5' exonucleasesDNA Pol III Epsilon Chain

Excluded Genes in chlamydiatrachomatis_duw3cx : L

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