All COGs for treponemapallidum : K
Genes (#)COGCOG description
1COG0085DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunit
1COG0086DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit/160 kD subunit
2COG0568DNA-directed RNA polymerase, sigma subunit (sigma70/sigma32)
1COG1191DNA-directed RNA polymerase specialized sigma subunit
1COG3604Transcriptional regulator containing GAF, AAA-type ATPase, and DNA binding domains

Included Genes in treponemapallidum : K
AE000520_245585AAC65229.19296COG0085DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit/140 kD subunitDNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta subunit (rpoB)
AE000520_249134AAC65230.19296COG0086DNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit/160 kD subunitDNA-directed RNA polymerase, beta' subunit
AE000520_1103040AAC65963.14991COG0568DNA-directed RNA polymerase, sigma subunit (sigma70/sigma32)RNA polymerase sigma-43 factor (sigA)
AE000520_527891AAC65480.14991COG0568DNA-directed RNA polymerase, sigma subunit (sigma70/sigma32)RNA polymerase sigma-70 factor (rpoD)
AE000520_775888AAC65675.14991COG1191DNA-directed RNA polymerase specialized sigma subunitRNA polymerase sigma-28 factor
AE000520_90629AAC65077.131616COG3604Transcriptional regulator containing GAF, AAA-type ATPase, and DNA binding domainsformate hydrogenlyase transcriptional activator (fhlA)

Excluded Genes in treponemapallidum : K
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